Asunam's Buddhist Resources
Now, I only list books, tapes, CD's, and videos that are in my OWN
library and archives. In this way you can rest assured that I have familiarity with that
which I recommend. There will be recommendations on certain items in our catalog. The
recommendations will be quick and to the point, not a long-winded dissertation on the
title / item in question. The library and archives I refer to are also associated
with the resources of the Reiki
Foundation of which I am
the Director of the East Coast Office. Asunam's
Buddhist Resources Store has a clear and definite emphasis on Buddhism,
particularly Japanese Esoteric Buddhism. We will, as time continues, feature books, tapes, and CD's on
Japanese Creative expression, Mandara / Mandalas, holistic wellness modalities, development of higher
consciousness and related subject matter and disciplines.
If there is something you desire on Japanese Esoteric Buddhism and/or Buddhism in general, but don't see it here - and it seems
to not be available through our gracious associates AMAZON.COM; please E-MAIL ME and I'll see if I can locate it through my specialized book search network.
honor the Buddha that you are in the process of manifesting!
Domo Arigato!
How it works: items...
I'm continuously adding book descriptions and new titles.
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