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People in our society today are often "Stressed-Out", "Over-Worked", and on the verge of "Burn-Out". Different forms of meditation have been used for thousands of years in Eastern and now Western spiritual paths. This course will explore the dual role of meditation in our society. The class will give you insight as to how you may best utilize meditation to achieve particular goals. Be it moving further along in your spiritual pursuits or looking for a way to reduce the detrimental effects of stress in your life, this class will help you find more balance. The use of the Double-Edged Sword can enhance your quality of living. The course covers: relaxation techniques, working with the breath, a brief intro to the chakras, visualization, the use of ritual, and the function of individual and / or group meditation. Participants will be assisted in exploring themselves through guided meditation as well.
MEDITATION: - Intermediate LevelThis course is designed to take the student of meditation further in their studies and in the various focuses and applications that meditation can have. Topics will include: ongoing self-development, the deeper function of chakras in meditation, intro to Buddhist meditation techniques, intro to aspects of the Kabbalah as meditation focuses, etc. We will be building upon the techniques that were established in Meditation Level I, which participants should have taken. The concept of meditation as "workshop" will be introduced, and the use of specific tools for meditation enhancement will be taught. This class expands your perceptions, ideas, and approach in the evolutionary experience of meditation. Successful completion of Meditation Level I is a pre-requisite for this course.
ART & MEDITATION: - An Exploration into the Sacredness of Geometry, Mandalas & SymbolsThis course will introduce participants to the concept, philosophy, and science of using geometry and symbols in a spiritual / energetic format. We will explore its use in the context of ancient belief systems and gain an understanding of how they work together in Mandalas / Mandaras. Topics will include the eternal Pyramid, the Hexagram, the Circle and it's derivative forms and meaning, and other timeless symbols. Participants will experiment with designing their own personal Mandalas and discerning the inner meaning of what they have created. It is helpful to have some background in metaphysics to be able to fully appreciate this course.
CREATING SACRED SPACEThis course will focus on the varying ways and means to create more energetically supportive environments to enhance our ever changing, and sometimes challenging lifestyles. We will explore the home as a sacred space, personal space within the home for the individual, energetic flow within the home, the benefits of incorporating feng shui, and how to use the garden as an energetic life-enhancing tool for wellness. Participants may well wish to bring a sketch of their home floor plan and garden with them so as to more effectively utilize the course.
SACRED GEOMETRY AND PYRAMID TECHNOLOGYIn this class, participants will enter the realm of utilizing Geometry and Pyramidal Structures in spiritual / energetic tandem for assisting in healing and spiritual development. Together we will delve into the arena of "Platonic Solids", their meaning, as well as how we can interface them with Pyramidal forms. Participants will have a chance to work with and inside of the Pyramid Structure, and also work hands on with the platonic solids. Exploration of the magnetic fields of these will bring greater tactile understanding of these vehicles.
CRYSTAL HEALING LEVEL IDiscover how to use these wonderful tools to assist in personal transformation and growth for yourself and others. Understanding the energies of crystals and gemstones helps us to understand all the universal energies that surround us. The ways and means of "working" with crystals has been carried in the Shamanic and Medicine traditions of indigenous people for thousands of years. This course is designed to help simplify the multitude of data that is available, so that it can be grasped and utilized more easily. This course is for beginners who wish to learn more about this subject. Participants will learn: Quartz Basics; How to Choose, "Clear", and take care of crystals; How and why they function the way they do; Gemstone Families; Basic Gridworks; and Specialized Quartz Formations - their uses and applications.
CRYSTAL HEALING LEVEL II Now that you've been "working" with crystals and gemstones for a while, and if you feel prepared for more information, then this is your next step. This course is designed for those who may be considering the possibility of using these tools in the "healing practitioner" mode, or, those who have substantially more than just a casual or passing interest. Participants will encounter "higher vibrational stones", bodywork grids, specific chakra work, energy work on imbalances (how to detect and alleviate them), blending with other modalities, and hands on work. A successful completion Of and practical /experiential integration of Crystal Technology Level I is the pre-requisite for this course. PSYCHIC DEVELOPMENTAwaken your innate psychic abilities. You will discover that we are all psychic to some degree, and that we need only to develop those skills. This course covers techniques to help you develop the powers of your mind, your higher sensory perception, understanding of psychometry, photo reading, and dowsing. We will also explore how to open ourselves up to act in concert with our natural healing abilities. This course is designed for everyone, and will help you in incorporating these understandings into your daily life.
WORKING THE LABYRINTHThe Labyrinth is an ancient geometric form that is an ever-evolving experiential tool of learning and expansion for humankind. The metaphysical and scientific research that has been done to date indicates that this is not only an ancient mechanism, but a timelessly valuable form for re-patterning energies that lead to balance and health. It seems that there may even be the possibility of re-synchronizing brain patterns through repeated use of Labyrinths. Thus, there is a current resurgence of interest in these forms.
This course is designed to lead you through the history, understanding, and use of the Labyrinth form for yourself. Each participant will have an opportunity to work with a small-scale version of a Labyrinth that was designed for personal use, as well as explore the basic Labyrinth forms and other derivative geometric.
Where there is love, there is light... where there is light, there is a flow of energy... where there is a flow of energy there is the Divine. When the Divine is present there is no lack, for there cannot be lack within the Divine, the Divine is All. Thus all Abundance is a by-product of Love. The absence of love is often time's fear. Where there is fear, there is constriction - lack of flow - therefore lack of abundance. We need desperately to cultivate "loving relationships" with ourselves, and the divine within ourselves, to create better "flow", and thus... greater abundance. This course is about doing just that. Direction and Practices in how to begin to make the change, how to keep the process of change going, and how to start manifesting in alignment with the Divine. This and much more is the thrust of this exciting class.
SELF-HEALING / HEALING THE SELF Healing is a process in which we bring ourselves back to a state of wholeness and balance. The opportunity exists for us to choose from a myriad of approaches to address our wellness, but many times the question is "Which One"? Participants will learn the preliminary stages of discernment that help them to arrive at exactly "how" to answer that question. Then, they will be exposed to several different techniques and approaches to choose from. The Four Aspects of Being will be taught, and how dysfunction and disease can surface when there is imbalance within them. Introductory meditation and relaxation techniques will be taught and then quickly translated into tools for the healing process. Exploration of mental / emotional reprogramming, massage, vitamins & supplements, reflexology, and more will be covered in this course. Thus setting the stage for opening new doorways into ourselves. THE CHAKRAS: Energy Centers of our Subtle Anatomy (Level I)What is a chakra? What does it do? How does it work? These questions and others will be answered about this subject, which is often referred to but not entirely understood. We will seek to examine the seven major energy centers in depth so as to understand the full parameters regarding energetic qualities, color radiance, sound tonality, and their overall schematic of interaction. Participants will work with visualization, basic meditation techniques, physical exercises, and sound to begin developing a more tactile awareness of these energy centers. This course is designed for everyone. Through understanding the chakras, your self-knowledge, and thereby your knowledge of others, will increase.
EXPLORING YOUR ENERGY: - An In Depth Guide to Working with Your ChakrasThis is a One-Day Intensive / Enriched program of "The Chakras" - Energy Centers of our Subtle Anatomy, the preceding program stated above.
CHAKRAS LEVEL II: - The Next Step This class is a one-day intensive on and about the "Chakras", the subtle anatomy of the body. The Level II workshop is a broadening and further exploration of the system of secondary chakras inherent in the energetic of make-up of each individual. Techniques in balancing and how to "read" the chakras, along with the Soundworks technique of working with them will be taught. The use of Aromatherapy as a vital tool in chakra rebalancing will be covered. Additional tools for balancing the chakra system will be introduced to further deepen your palette of approaches to this centerpiece of our human energy existence. SACRED ENERGIES: - A Chakra Intensive This is a three day intensive that takes Chakras Level I, II, & III, and combines them into a powerful, information filled, experiential "tour de force". Each stage of the workshop provides information and then a practical step for implementation of that which is received. Level by level, the work will take participants deeper within themselves; towards tangible Four Aspects of Being orientation as it relates to their chakra system. Different approaches such as: reading the chakras, breath work, Soundworks, Reiki, Crystal Technology, Sacred Geometry, and physical exercises will assist in this being a complete and comprehensive experience. INTRODUCTION TO COLOR & LIGHT: - Healing with Color & LightParticipants will be exposed to a new perspective and understanding of how these elements, which are inseparable, can be utilized in "holistic healing" for re-balancing and health. We will cover the history of Color & Light being used in this format by "light explorers" Babbit Dinshah, Steiner, and Gimbel. Two of the distinct approaches we will introduce are: The Internal / Visual, and the External / Technological, and both of their applications. The blending together of these two approaches will be addressed as well as the appropriate techniques and tools for facilitation. Meditation Level I, Chakras Level I, Reiki First Degree, and Reiki Second Degree are pre-requisites for this training.
FOUR NOBLE TRUTHS & THE EIGHTFOLD PATHThis course is about the basic understandings of the Buddhist path, which in essence is quite universal. We will examine the precepts and directives contained within these teachings, wherein each participant will be led into self-investigation of how the teachings can be utilized in a concrete manner, and applied within their life. We will then move more deeply into the concepts and practices that will assist in the embodiment and living of this path. There will be specific meditations given as tools for development and cultivation of this embodiment process.
REIKI FIRST DEGREE Reiki is a Japanese system of spiritual development and natural healing. The energy that is accessed through this system is "qualified" and can be used for re-establishing states of wholeness in the Four Aspects of Being, commonly known as physical, emotional, mental and spiritual dimensions. This system utilizes the eastern format of Master to Student, in order to carry on its traditional way of instruction, alignment, and subsequent initiations that allow one to access the Reiki energy. First Degree is the basic level of training that gives a student the understanding of how the system came into being, the external form of the system, how to facilitate healing for oneself, loved ones, and others. This is the entry-level training to the system. REIKI SECOND DEGREEThis training is the second level of initiation, and further attunement in alignment with the Reiki system. In this sequence the student learns on the conscious level, several Reiki symbols that allow an increased access to deeper parameters of energy. These symbols are "Sacred", and thus the true understanding of what comprises "Sacred" in the traditions that Reiki comes from is imparted. The student, in accessing these wider octaves of light frequencies, will learn absentia healing, mental / emotional healing, and how this wider palette may function in varying aspects of their life and path. This class may assist one towards the path of "practitioner". It may also shed light on whether you are called to the Mastery Path or not.
THE INNER SYMBOLOGY OF REIKI LEVEL IThis course of Reiki Training is for those who have successfully completed and integrated their Second Degree Training, and / or are Mastership Apprentices. The course is designed to take each student deeper into the "inner mysteries" of the symbology of the Reiki system. You will become familiar with and experience a new dynamic relationship with the Reiki Symbols, in "traditional" spirit-based disciplines and teachings. Participants will begin (in a tangible way) to glimpse how much "larger" the system is, as we delve into the "esoteric" realm of information, data, and training.
STUDIES IN "KI" - A Three Part Training IntensiveThis is an in-depth study and training in the energetic dynamic of "KI." In Chinese this is referred to as "CHI", and we will also be exploring the Chinese cosmological roots of this concept through the Five Element theory, as well as the Taoist underpinnings of the Yin and Yang concept. Topics to be covered include: Introduction to Basic Meridian Theory, types of "KI" breathing, Qi-Gong practices, detailed analysis of element types, and basic Shin-sen Do exercises; all part of this tour-de-force "KI" experience. The course was designed for practitioners who are already familiar with the idea and concepts associated with subtle energy work.
INTRODUCTION TO BUDDHISMBuddhism has grown immensely popular in our country in recent years. Many are drawn to this fascinating philosophy and spiritual path, but find it difficult to figure out where and how to begin. This Introductory evening course will help those interested in Buddhism to better understand and decipher the multitude of information available, and discover the essentials of what Buddhism is all about. We will cover: the life of the historical being known as Buddha, the history of how Buddhism transmitted from one country to the next, the differing streams of Buddhism, what aspects are common to varying streams, and basics of Buddhist practice for the layperson.
BASICS IN BUDDHISM LEVEL IThis training is designed to begin assisting individuals in understanding some of the deeper aspects of Buddhist philosophy, some of which they may have been exposed to through the Introductory course in Buddhism. We will make a detailed study of: the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, the Law of Dependent Origination, varying Schools of Tibetan Buddhism, the Zen School of Thought, and the Shingon School of Japanese Esoteric Buddhism. We will also cover the beginning stages of Mudra practice, and Mantra recitation.
INTRODUCTION TO THE TEACHINGS OF SHINGONThis course is a comprehensive exploration into the basic levels of the Shingon School of Japanese Esoteric Buddhism. You will be introduced to the founder of Shingon Buddhism as well as the history of the sect. The lineage of the sect will be discussed along with its relevant historical context. Some of the elements that will be covered are similar to parts of the Vajrayana Schools of Tibetan Buddhism. We will take a look at the unique cosmological viewpoint that is also illustrated within the imagery of the Shingon tradition, and its use in day-to-day practices for the followers of Shingon.
REIKI AND BUDDHISM LEVEL IThe next step in Advanced Reiki Training provides the student with a clearer "connectivity" to the governing bodies of the Reiki system. Here is the grounding process for individuals who are looking for the entry, through the Reiki system, into the more expansive realm of "the path". This is where appropriate training meets with the higher level "context" that facilitates a much deeper reflection on commitment and practice, before the student can consciously move up the spiral towards Mastery. The pre-requisites for this are Reiki First Degree, Second Degree, & Inner Symbology of Reiki Level I.
BUDDHIST MEDITATION INTENSIVE LEVEL IDuring this training, guidance for your personal practice (how to implement), and teachings in reference to what you will now begin undertaking for yourself - will be our focus. You will be introduced to the energetic dynamics of a personal altar, the elements of how to properly set up an altar, tools for your practice and how to use them, and the Asokukan Breath Meditation. We will be focusing on three specific meditational practices during this Intensive. Please make sure to bring your juzu, hand incense, incense bowl, offering bowls, any objects of clothing that are sacred or special (that you wear during your personal practice), and an image of the deity (Honzon) that is the focus of your practice.
SACRED GEOMETRY OF THE MANDALA / MANDARAA Mandala is a geometric form / diagram that can be a beautiful expression of the divine in visual artistic format. They also can be viewed and understood as incredible vehicles of discovery, but most of all, for assisting to facilitate the process of spiritual development. This sometimes complex subject is the focus of this workshop training. The goal will be to familiarize participants with the general thematic patterns and transcendent symbology of Mandalas / Mandaras. They will be gently guided through a self-identification process in conjunction with the symbols, and then led into a place where they may "find" themselves in the Mandala / Mandara.
The next stage of the training will be introductory work with the archetype Mandalas / Mandaras of the Tibetan and Japanese Buddhist traditions. An overview of how these Mandalas / Mandaras function, and how one can use them to further their personal spiritual path will bring the workshop to fruition.
There will be other Second Degree Advanced courses forthcoming as time allows.
MASTERSHIP TRAININGThis level of Reiki Training is the Mastery Level. Mastership in truth requires a commitment to the practice, teaching(s), and life of one being in complete harmony with Reiki... at the very deepest levels. At this level your concern must be the inner realms and not the "worldly" outward realms. Students must, of course, first undergo the prerequisite trainings of First Degree, Second Degree, Inner Symbology of Reiki Level I and Reiki & Buddhism Level I. They must exude a level of integrity, sincerity, and professionalism that is of a high standard. The training occurs over a designated period of time, based on the needs as assessed by the attending Master. All aspects of conveying and teaching Reiki are covered in the training, as well as accurate and correct light transmission processes. How to appropriately teach each level and support each level of students to the utmost is taught. Ethics and Professional Decorum are taught as they apply to all levels of students and to the Mastership Apprentice in specific. Mastership Candidates are carefully considered since the path is usually much more far-reaching and challenging than most Candidates realize. This is a complete, comprehensive and enriched training on an individual basis.
INNER SYMBOLOGY OF REIKI LEVEL II This level of training is for Mastership Apprentices. Those who have decided that out of the; "many are called, few are chosen" dynamic - that they are answering a true "calling", and, that this IS their chosen "path" - here begins the spiral upwards towards Mastery. Studies imparted with appropriate attunements raise the frequency capacity within the mind of the participant. With compassion and grace, further details of this course are not for the wider audience of the public who have not arrived at this place on their "path". REIKI AND BUDDHISM LEVEL IIIn a manner similar the Inner Symbology of Reiki Level II course, this is a continuation of the commitment, depth, and "path" of a Master in training. We have stated the existence of this training, so as to inform Mastership candidates that there is a range of greater training and understanding to be garnered upon the Mastery Path. We again compassionately decline further detailed commentary on the components of the class for those not involved at this level of training.
To contact Asunam for more information or workshop registration
E-mail Rev. Junnen Asunam Pope
Phone: (845) 278-3038
or write to: